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COVID-19 Phase 2 Information

As our dental clinic reopens for Phase 2 of BC's Restart Plan, we would like to assure our patients that we are committed to providing the highest standard of dental care in a safe and comfortable environment. As always, our clinic follows the standard infection control guidelines mandated by the College of Dental Surgeons of BC – any additional measures specific to COVID-19 are supplemental to these requirements. The following is an overview of our COVID-19 Office Safety Plan, which can also be found here:

Changes at the office:

  • We have installed plexiglass barriers at the reception desk.

  • We have installed air purifiers with True HEPA filtration systems throughout the office. You will see them in the reception and waiting area, and in every treatment room.

  • We have reduced the number of chairs in the waiting area to promote social distancing.

  • We have removed all magazines, children’s toys, and decorative items for ease of disinfection.

What we are doing differently:

  • We will be asking you to complete a screening questionnaire about COVID-19 prior to your scheduled appointment.

  • When you enter the office, we will be asking you to use the provided hand sanitizer to disinfect your hands. Our receptionists will go over all the screening questions with you again. The hygienist or dental assistant will come out to take your temperature and bring you back into the clean and sterilized treatment room.

  • We will be cleaning and disinfecting all high-touch surfaces in the reception and waiting area at least once an hour.

  • We will be managing and scheduling appointments to minimize the number of patients in the office at one time.

  • Our dentist, hygienists, and dental assistants will be wearing enhanced Personal Protection Equipment (PPE), including face shields and gowns.

What you can do to help:

  • Please do not come into the office if you are feeling sick.

  • Please call or email us to schedule an appointment. Walk-in patients are discouraged for the time being.

  • Please leave your family at home and come alone to your appointment. Only children and infirm patients may be accompanied by one person.

  • Please arrive to your appointment on time. If you are early, we encourage you to stay in your car until your scheduled appointment time.

  • Please maintain social distancing with other patients in the reception and waiting room area during the check-in and check-out process.

  • Please respect the “no cellphone use” policy that is in effect. During your appointment, your personal belongings (including your cellphone, purse, and jacket) will be stored in a disinfected bin that is in each treatment room.

  • Please reduce the need to use our washroom by going at home or work before coming to your appointment.


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