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How to Prepare for Your First Visit

We understand - going to a new dental office can be intimidating. Every member of our team is trained to make your dental visit as easy as possible. Read on to familiarize yourself with our office and you'll feel comfortable in no time.

Perhaps you're new to town, or your old dentist retired. Perhaps you haven't been to the dentist's in over a couple (or even several) years, and you were encouraged by a friend or family member. Regardless of the reason, you've taken the first step and booked an initial appointment, or new patient exam, with us. Here's what to expect at your first visit to our office:

If you're driving, access our parking lot from 200th Street (heading North) or 64th Avenue (heading West), and park in any of the spots marked "Centre 200". Alternatively, you can get here by public transit - bus stops #57034, 59605, 56414, and 58909 are literally steps from our door (plug these bus stops into the Translink site and you'll find the buses that will take you here). You'll find our office at the north end of the building, with the entrance facing 200th Street.

Step into our office and you'll be greeted by one of our friendly receptionists. Please arrive 10-15 minutes before the start of your appointment time to fill out some new patient forms. You'll be handed a tablet with access to your medical and dental questionnaires, and office policy forms to fill out and read over. When you're finished, pass the tablet back to one of our receptionists and enjoy the free WiFi or a magazine until you are called in by one of our dental assistants.

Once you've been called into the back and seated in an operatory chair, you'll meet with Dr. Cheung and she will first address any questions or concerns that you may have. A thorough examination will then be performed, including assessments of your head and neck, your TMJ (jaw joint), your gums, and your teeth. If we are unable to retrieve your old x-rays from your previous dentist, or if they are too old, then we will also be taking a full set of x-rays as part of the initial exam. Once the examination is complete, Dr. Cheung will go over her findings with you and discuss your treatment options. At this time, our dental assistant will take you back to the front desk or to the hygienist's chair, if you're also booked for a cleaning.

And that's all there is to it - pretty simple, right? When all is said and done, you'll be leaving our office with a smile 😁


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